How seniors can best cope with the heat
Too much heat can be dangerous for anyone. Extreme heat affects seniors 65+ much more than the younger population, especially ones who suffer from chronic illnesses and medical conditions, s uch as: Diabetes, heart or respiratory disease High blood pressure Anxiety or depression Limited mobility Being over or underweight The ageing process affects circulation, skin and sweat glands . Seniors are unable to adjust to temperature changes as quickly as younger people. Deaths due to hyperthermia mostly occur in seniors 50+ years old under extreme heat conditions. Select a cooling centre nearby your home such as a seniors centre, library, movie theatre, mall, or a friend or family member’s home that is air-conditioned to keep your body temperature cool. Sweating is dehydrating so keep in mind that you also have to drink more if you sweat in hot weather. It's recommended that seniors take extra precautions to prepare for heat waves and have an action plan ...